Stirling Field and Archaeological Society – Outing to Alva

The Society’s next outing is on Tuesday 13th August to look at the evolution of the woollen industry in Alva. In a period of 200 years it developed from the cottage industry of 17th century hand-loom weavers to the huge mills of the 19th century, and no single village demonstrates the development better than Alva. We will see the water powered Strude Mill (and the water supply system in Alva Glen) and the steam-powered Glentana Mill and some others as time permits. We will leave the Smith at 6.30pm and non-members are welcome to join us; there is no charge for the outing and transport will be in member’s cars, sharing petrol costs. Please wear suitable clothing, and note that whilst the walk into Alva Glen is uphill it is on a path and is not obligatory!




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Event Details

Date: 13th August 2019

Start time: 18:30

End time: 21:00

Venue: Smith Art Gallery and Museum

Phone: 01786 471917